
I am a digital designer with a passion for digital experiences both on screens and in the space around us. I am fascinated by the possibilities, which lies within digital artifacts and technologies and I enjoy exploring these in the projects and workshops I take part in.

In my work it is important to take the participant or user in to consideration and I go to great lengths to include them in the process.

I work with user experience design, webdesign and as an digital experience artist. At my website you will find a description of some of the projects I have participated in.


I am experienced in digital aesthetic, which is focused on how to create engaging and reflective concepts for users through technology. In relation to this I use my knowledge in concept development to design and develop sensuous crossmedia experiences anchored in either a digital or physical context. I always include the users actively in the design process through use of various methods to ensure a high quality experience.

What I do

I’m an experience and interaction designer working freelance on projects within concept development, experience design as well as UX design and web design. Mostly, I work with digital experiences both on screen and in physical space. I can set up websites or I can build a brand installation. In both cases I take the user into account and create an experience for them.